Friday, October 27, 2017

托马斯小火车生日蛋糕 Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Birthday Cake




材料 7寸圆模 

蛋黄  2
玉米油  15
蓝花汁  35
低筋面粉  50

蛋白  2
细砂糖  35


材料 7寸圆模 

蛋黄  2
玉米油  15
牛奶  35
紫薯粉  6
低筋面粉  45

蛋白  2
细砂糖  35

做法 :

1. 蛋黄、玉米油和蓝花汁/牛奶,用打蛋器搅拌均匀。
2. 筛入低筋面粉搅拌成均匀的蛋黄面糊。 
3. 蛋白打起泡状,分次加入细砂糖,打发成尾端挺立的蛋白霜。
4. 把蛋白霜分次加入蛋黄面糊里,用橡皮刮刀拌匀。
5. 面糊倒入蛋糕模,敲出气泡。
6. 放进预热160度的烤箱,烤45分钟至熟。
7. 出炉倒扣,待凉,切成2片,备用。 

夹心馅 : 荔枝果肉鲜奶油 300 适量(打发


1. 在蛋糕盘放上一片蛋糕,涂抹一层鲜奶油和摆上果肉。
2. 摆放上第二片蛋糕及涂抹第二层鲜奶油,重复以上的步骤至完。
3. 把整个蛋糕涂抹上均匀的鲜奶油,摆上装饰即可。 

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Birthday Cake

Blue pea flower chiffon cake 

Ingredients : 7 inch mould 
2 egg yolks
15g corn oil
35g blue pea flower water
50g cake flour

2 egg whites
35g castor sugar

Purple sweet potato chiffon cake

Ingredients : 7 inch mould 

2 egg yolks
15g corn oil
35g milk
6g purple sweet potato powder
45g cake flour

2 egg whites
35g castor sugar 


1. Combine egg yolkscorn oil and blue pea flower water or milk in a mixing bowl.
2. Sift in cake flourmix wellset aside.
3. Beat egg white until frothy and add in the sugar in 3 batches. Beating till shiny peaks.
4. Add 1/3 egg white into egg yolk batter and fold well.
5. Pour the batter back to the 2/3 egg white and fold into a smooth batter.
6. Pour the batter into baking pan, tap pan on table a few times to remove air bubble.
7.  Bake in preheated oven at 160C for 45 minutes or until cooked.
8.  Remove from oveninvert cake onto table until completely cooledcutting into 2 pieces. 

Filling : lychee meat300g fresh cream (whipped)

To assemble cake : 

1. Place one layer cake into the cake panspread with whipped cream and top with chopped lychee meat.
2. Place the second layer cake and spread with whipped cream. Repeat the same method until finished.
3. Frost the whole cake with whipped creamand decorate accordingly.