Wednesday, May 18, 2016

咖喱面包鸡 Curry Chicken Bread




鸡  半只(切块)
马铃薯  3个(去皮,切块)
红葱头 15粒(剁碎)
香茅  6支
Baba's 鸡肉咖哩粉  6汤匙
辣椒粉  2汤匙

新鲜椰浆  250毫升
清水  250毫升
咖哩叶  4支(取叶)
盐和糖 (各适量)

水煮蛋  1个 


1. 热油锅,爆香红葱头,咖喱粉,辣椒粉,香茅和咖哩叶。
2. 加入鸡肉块和马铃薯,拌炒约5分钟。 
3. 倒入清水,加锅盖焖煮至鸡肉熟透和马铃薯变软。
4. 最后加入椰浆继续煮10分钟,加入适量的盐和糖调味,即可盛起。
5. 待凉后,把咖哩鸡和水煮蛋用锡纸包好。 

1. 把面团擀开,盖在已用锡纸包好的咖哩鸡上,把底部的面团收口捏紧。
2. 收口朝下,放在铺了烤纸的烤盘上,最后发酵45分钟。 
3. 预热烤箱,以180度烤约30-35分钟,,面包表面上色后,盖上一张铝箔纸。 
4. 取出面包,趁热刷上一层牛油。 

Curry Chicken Bread 

Curry Chicken Ingredients 

half a chicken,cut into pieces
3 potatoes,peeled and cut into chunks
15 shallots,chopped
6 stalks lemongrass
6 tbsp Baba's chicken curry powder
2 tbsp chili powder
250ml fresh coconut milk
250ml water
4 sprigs curry leaves,use only the leaves
salt and sugar to taste

1 hard-boiled egg 


1. Heat up oil and stir fry the chopped shallots,curry powder,chili powder,lemongrass and curry leaves.
2. Add chicken and potatoes,stir fry for about 5 minutes.
3. Add water,cover with lid and simmer until the chicken are cooked and the potatoes are tender. 
4. Add coconut milk and cook for 10 minutes,add salt and sugar to taste. Dish up.
5. Wrap curry chicken and boiled egg in aluminium foil tightly. 

Bread recipe from here 

1. Roll the dough into rectangle shape and cover onto wrapped curry chicken,seal the edges together,pinch and seal tightly. 
2. Place onto a lined baking tray and proof for 45mins.
3. Bake in preheated oven at 180°C for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown.(Cover bread surface with foil if it browns too quickly)
4. Remove from oven, brush with melted butter.