祝福全天下的妈妈们, 母亲节快乐!
蛋黄 2个
细砂糖 10克
玉米油 20克
牛奶 30克
低筋面粉 35克
蛋白 2个
细砂糖 20克
1. 蛋黄加入糖拌匀,再加入油、牛奶搅拌均匀。
1. 蛋黄加入糖拌匀,再加入油、牛奶搅拌均匀。
2. 筛入低粉,搅拌成均匀的蛋黄面糊。
3. 蛋白分次加入细砂糖打发成尾端挺立的蛋白霜。
4. 将蛋白霜分3次拌入蛋黄面糊里,搅拌均匀。
5. 将面糊倒入模子里,轻轻把气泡敲出。
6. 放入预热后的烤箱,170烘烤大约40分钟。
7. 蛋糕烘好后,立刻取出烤箱倒扣,待凉后脱模切成2片备用。
草莓 150克(以果汁机搅打成汁)
细砂糖 15克
柠檬汁 10克
吉利丁粉 6克
冷开水 15克
1. 准备一个5寸圆模,铺上一层保鲜膜。
2. 冷开水倒入吉利丁粉中混合均勻静置5-6分钟,等待吉利丁粉完全吸水膨胀。
3. 准备一个稍微大一点的锅子,加上适量的水煮沸。
4. 使用隔水加热的方式融化将吉利丁粉完全溶解成液体。
5. 草莓汁加细砂糖及柠檬汁放入锅中加热至细砂糖完全融化。
6. 将吉利丁液倒入草莓汁中混合均勻待涼。
7. 倒入圆模,放入冰箱冷藏5-6小时凝固。
动物性鲜奶油 200克
黑巧克力 100克 (切碎)
动物性鲜奶油 60克
吉利丁粉 4克
冷开水 10克
1. 把200克动物性鲜奶油打至8分发(不流动状态)
2. 冷开水倒入吉利丁粉中混合均勻静置5-6分钟,等待吉利丁粉完全吸水膨胀。
3. 使用隔水方式加热,将吉利丁粉完全溶解成液体。
5. 把另外的60克动物性鲜奶油加热至沸腾。
6. 将吉利丁液加入混合均勻。
7. 把巧克力加入煮沸的动物性鲜奶油,慢慢搅拌至融化。
8. 倒入打发的鲜奶油中混合均勻成巧克力慕斯。(平分成3份)
1. 先从冰箱取出准备好的草莓果冻,放入模中。
2. 倒入一份的巧克力慕斯,放上一片蛋糕。
3. 把另一份巧克力慕斯倒入,放上第二片蛋糕。
4. 倒入剩余的慕斯,刮平表面。
5. 放进冰箱冷藏5-6小时至凝固。
Strawberry Chocolate Mousse Cake
Cake base ingredients :
6” round pan with removable base
2 egg yolks
10g castor sugar
20g corn oil
30g milk
35g cake flour
2 egg whites
20g castor sugar
Method :
1. Combine egg yolks and sugar in a mixing bowl.
2. Mix in corn oil and milk.
3. Sift in cake flour,mix well,set aside.
4. Beat egg whites until frothy. Gradually add in castor sugar, beating until stiff peaks form.
5. Add 1/3 egg white into egg yolk batter and mix well,add the remaining meringue until blended.
6. Pour the batter into chiffon mould, tap pan on table a few times to remove air bubble.
7. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 40 minutes or until cooked.
8. Remove from oven,leave to cool and cut into 2 pieces.
Strawberry Jelly Ingredients :
150g strawberry juice
15g castor sugar
10g lemon juice
6g gelatin powder
15g water
1. Prepare a 5” round pan,lined with plastic wrap.
2. Combine gelatin powder with water ,let stand 5-6 minutes.
3. Using double boil method,stir until gelatin powder fully dissolved. Set aside.
4. Pour strawberry juice,sugar and lemon juice into a pot,heat until sugar dissolves.
5. Remove from heat, add gelatin mixture and mix well.
6. Pour the mixture into the round pan,refrigerate till set about 5-6 hours.
Chocolate Mousse Ingredients:
200g whipping cream
100g dark chocolate,chopped
60g whipping cream
4g gelatin powder
10g water
1. Beat the 200g whipping cream to form mousse state.
2. Combine gelatin powder with water ,let stand 5-6 minutes.
3. Using double boil method,stir until gelatin powder fully dissolved. Set aside.
4. Using double boiled heat 60g whipping cream till hot.
6. Add gelatin mixture and mix well.
7. Add in the dark chocolate,gently stir until melted
8. Mix with the whipped cream. (divide into 3 portions)
Assemble:7-inch loose round cake pan/cake ring
1. Take out strawberry jelly from fridge,place into the cake pan。
2. Pour 1 portion of the chocolate mousse,place a layer of cake.
3. Pour another portion of chocolate mousse and lay another cake layer.
4. Pour the remaining chocolate mousse,spread evenly.
5. Let it set for 5-6 hours in the fridge.
(Recipe adapted from Carol自在生活)