材料 :(可做10片)
低筋面粉 120克
鸡蛋 2个
甜菜根汁 120克
牛奶 200克
细砂糖 40克
盐 1克
牛油 25克 (隔水溶化)
馅料 :鲜奶油 200克 (打发),烤香杏仁碎 适量
做法 :
1. 把所有放入一个大碗里搅拌均匀后过滤,休面30分钟。
2. 加热平底不粘锅,倒入适量面糊,并迅速将锅转一圈至面糊均匀地沾满锅底。
3. 用刮刀把煎熟的饼皮划离锅, 重复做法至完。
4. 将5片饼皮,一张叠一张,打横排列。
5. 抹上奶油,撒上杏仁碎,把上下边往内折,然后卷起。放入冰箱冷藏一小时。
Beetroot Towel Cake Roll
Ingredients :(makes 10 piece)
120g cake flour
2 eggs
120g beetroot Juice
200g milk
40g castor sugar
1g salt
25g melted butter
Filling :200g fresh whipping cream,some chopped almond(roasted)
Method :
1. Combine all ingredient into a large mixing bowl and mix until the batter is smooth. Strain through a sieve. Rest for 30 minutes.
2. Heat a non-stick frying pan,use a ladle to scoop the crepes batter into the pan while swirling the pan to evenly spread the cake batter.
4. Use a spatula to ease away the layer from the pan. Repeat the process until the batter is all used up.
5. Place 5 piece crepe layer. Spread evenly a layer of whipped cream,place some chopped almond. Roll it up and chill in the fridge 1 hour.