Wednesday, February 14, 2018

花生饼 Peanut Cookies

Happy Valentine's Day


材料 :

花生碎  200g (炒香,去衣,搅碎)

面粉  300g
糖粉  150g
盐  1/2tsp
花生油  200ml

蛋黄液 (扫面用)

做法 :

1.  花生碎、糖粉及面粉混合均匀。
2.  徐徐倒入花生油,拌成面团即可。
3.  搓成小圆球,排在已铺上烤纸的烤盘上,刷上蛋黄液。
4.  预热烤箱160度,烘烤20-25分钟。

Peanut Cookies

Ingredients :

200g peanuts ( toast, skinned and blend till fine)
300g plain flour
150g icing sugar
1/2 tsp salt
200ml peanut oil

egg yolk for glazing

Method :

1. In a mixing bowl,combine ground peanutsflouricing sugar and salt. 
2. Add in oil,mix to form a dough.
3. Shape into small balls,place on a lined baking tray,brush the surface with egg yolk. 
4. Bake in preheated oven at 160C for 20-25 minutes.