Saturday, December 19, 2015

柠檬烤全鸡 Roasted Chicken with Lemon



全鸡  1只

红萝卜  2条(去皮,切块)
马铃薯  3个(去皮,切块)

洋葱  3颗 (去皮,切块)
番茄  2粒 (切块)


盐  1-2tbsp
黑胡椒粉 少许
食油  2tbsp
柠檬  1个 (柠檬皮保留
蜜糖  适量 (涂面用)

做法 :

1. 全鸡洗干净抹干,均匀抹上腌料,腌制隔夜。
2. 烤盘铺上锡纸,把腌好的鸡只放在锡纸上,周围排入所有蔬菜和柠檬皮。
3. 将烤盘放入预热烤箱,以200°C烤约50-60分钟或至鸡熟透。
4. 中间时段取出翻面,淋上烤盘中的酱汁再继续烘烤。
5. 最后涂上蜜糖,放入烤箱再烤5-10分钟至金黄色即可。

Roasted Chicken with Lemon

Ingredients :

1 whole chicken
2 carrot (diced)

3 potato (diced) 
3 onion (diced)
2 tomato (diced)

Marinade chicken

1-2tbsp salt 
black pepper
2tbsp oil

lemon juice from 1 lemon
some honey for brush chicken



1. Clean and dry the whole chicken,and rub with the marinades. Keep in fridge for overnight.
2. Line baking pan with aluminium foil,arrange in the all vegetables and lemon peel.

3. Roast in preheated oven at 200°C for 25 minutes. 
4. Turn the chicken over,topped with the sauces in the baking pan and roast for a further 25-30 minutes.
4. Brush chicken with some honey,continue bake for 5-10 minutes until chicken is golden brown.

This post is linked at Cook and Celebrate: Christmas 2015  
hosted by Yen from GoodyFoodies, Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe 
and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.