Monday, December 7, 2015

圣诞面包【潘娜朵尼】 Panettone

食谱参考Gingy Bite@The Yummy Journey 


材料 :

高筋面粉  210g
速发酵母  1tsp
水 120ml
高筋面粉  90g
奶粉  10g
盐  3g
糖  50g
鸡蛋  1个
牛油  60g
葡萄干  100g
橘皮  40g
橙皮削  1/2
橙汁  1tbsp
朗姆酒  2tbsp
做法 :

1. 杂果混合在一起,在冰箱里放过夜。
2. 海绵种混合在一起,让它发酵2-3小时。
3. 面粉倒入海绵种。揉好。加入其余的材料(牛油除外)揉好。
4. 加入黄油,揉到混合。
5. 加入杂果,拌均。

6. 面团分成6份,分别放入容器里发酵1个小时。
7. 涂上蛋液。
8. 在已预热烘箱中以175℃烤 15分钟,然后150℃烤10分钟。


Ingredients :

Sponge Starter Dough 
210g bread flour
1tsp instant yeast 
120ml water
Main Dough
all starter dough
90g bread flour
10g milk powder
3g salt
50g sugar
1 egg
60g butter
Fruits Mixture 
100g raisin 
40g orange peel 
1/2 orange zest 
1 tbsp orange juice 
2 tbsp rum

Method :

1. Mix together the fruits mixture and keep in the fridge overnight.
2. Mix together starter dough and let it ferment 2-3 hours.
3. Pour flour into the starter dough and mix well. Add in the rest of the ingredients (except butter) and knead.
4. Add in butter and mix until incorporated.
5. Add in the mixed fruit and mix well.
6. Divide the panettone to 6 and let it proof in a panettone cup for an hour.
7. Egg wash.
8. Bake in preheated oven at 175C for 15 minutes, then 150C for another 10 minutes.

This post is linked at Cook and Celebrate: Christmas 2015  
hosted by Yen from GoodyFoodies, Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe 
and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.


Linking this post to  Bake Along # 89 - Christmas Yeasted Bread