Monday, November 6, 2017

南瓜馒头 Pumpkin Mantou / Steamed Pumpkin Buns





包粉  250
南瓜泥  60
清水  90
玉米油  10
细砂糖  25
酵母  3


1. 清水和酵母混合均匀,加入其它材料,搓揉成光滑面团。
2. 面团放置松弛5分钟。排气,分割等份。
3. 将面团擀成水滴型,卷起,放在包纸上。
4. 排放在蒸笼里,进行最后发酵约15-30分钟。
5. 大火蒸约15分钟,熄火。将锅盖开一小缝,待5分钟后才把锅盖打开。

Pumpkin Mantou / Steamed Pumpkin Buns

Ingredients :

250g pau flour
60g pumpkin puree
90g water
10g corn oil
25g castor sugar
3g instant yeast 

Method :

1. Mix well water and yeast. Add in all ingredientsknead into a smooth dough.
2. Rest dough for 5 minutes. Punch air out from the dough.
3. Divide the doughshape itplace on parchment paper.
4. Place onto steamer and allow to prove for another 15-30 minutes.
5. Steam on high heat for 15 minutes. Off the heatleave the pau inside the steamer for 5 minute before open the lid.