Friday, February 19, 2016

自制肉干 Homemade Chinese Pork Jery (Bak Kwa)



13”x13”的烤盘, 做出9块

材料 :
猪肉碎  450g (带有10%的肥肉)
糖  100g
酱油  1tbsp
米酒  1/2tbsp
鱼露  1/2tbsp
蚝油  1tbsp
黑酱油  1tsp
五香粉  1/8tsp
胡椒粉  一小撮
盐  1/2-3/4tsp 调味
蜂蜜  2tbsp

做法 :
1. 把全部材料混合一起,用筷子同一个方向搅拌,直到起胶的状况。 放入冰箱冷藏几个小时。
2. 把肉碎铺放好在烤盘,可以用汤匙的背面压平。
3. 放入预热160C的烤箱,烤大概20分钟。 取出,把烤箱温度提高到240C.
4. 把肉干剪成9片或喜欢的形状。
5. 再放入烤箱,用上火240C烤大概10分钟,取出,翻面,再烤7分钟,就完成了。

Homemade Chinese Pork Jerky (Bak Kwa)  
*makes 9pcs, perfectly for a tray size 13”x13” (4mm height)

Ingredients :

450g minced pork (at least with 10% fat)
100g sugar
1tbsp light soy sauce
1/2tbsp Chinese rice wine
1/2tbsp fish sauce
1tbsp oyster sauce
1tsp dark caramel sauce
1/8tsp Chinese five spices powder
A dash of Pepper
1/2tsp-3/4tsp salt or to taste
2tbsp honey

Method :
1. Put all ingredients in a big bowl and start mixing them with a pair of chopsticks. Blend and stir the mixture in one direction until the meat becomes gluey. Store in the fridge for several hours.  
2. Spread the marinated minced pork thinly onto the baking tray.  
3. Bake at pre-heated oven at 160C for 20mins. Remove from oven. Increase the oven temperature to 240C.
4. Wait to slightly cool, cut into your desired size and shape using scissor, knife or pizza cutter, place them in the same baking tray.  
5. Grill (top heat only) one side at 240C for 10mins, remove from oven, flip over another side, wait oven back to 240C and grill for 7mins or until golden brown with slight burnt.

Recipe adapted from Nasi Lemak Lover & Min's Blog 

 This post is linked at Cook & Celebrate: CNY 2016 hosted by
Yen from GoodyFoodies, Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe and 
Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.