Friday, April 22, 2016

韭菜粿 Ku Chai Kueh (Steamed Chive Dumplings)



粉  100克
木薯粉 100克 
盐  1/2茶匙
油  1汤匙
沸水  250~300克


韭菜  250克 (切小段)
虾米  50克(碎)
蒜茸  2汤匙

调味料: 盐  适量 
1. 热油锅,爆香蒜, 加入虾米炒香。
2. 加入韭菜拌炒,加适量调味,盛起备用。 
3. 先将澄面粉,木薯粉和盐混合,把沸水冲入粉中,快速搅拌成软团。
4. 加入油,揉成光滑面团。 
5. 面团分割成小团,擀成圆薄片,包入馅料。 
6. 将菜粿排放在涂了油的蒸盘上,大火蒸8-10分钟即可。 
7. 取出后,趁热上炸葱油,撒上炸香蒜和红辣椒即可享用。

Steamed Chive Dumplings (Ku Chai Kueh)


100g wheat starch
100g tapioca flour

1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp oil
250g-300g boiling water 


250g chinese chives,diced
50g dried shrimps,chopped
2 tbsp chopped garlic

Seasoning : salt to taste


1. Heat up oil,sauté chopped garlic and dried shrimps till fragrant.
2. Add in chives,seasoning and stir-fry till fragrant. Dish out and set aside to cool.
3. Mix all flour and salt into a mixing bowl. Pour the boiling water into the flour. Stir well with a wooden spoon.
4. Add in oil and knead the dough till smooth.
5. Divide the dough into small portion. Using a rolling pin to flatten out the dough and wrap with fillings.
6.  Arrange dumplings on greased steaming tray,steam over hot boiling water for 8-10 minutes with  high heat. Dish out.
7. Brush the surface with some shallots oil,garnish with fried garlic and chopped red chili,serve.