Wednesday, April 6, 2016

班兰喜粄 Pandan Ki Ka Ku




面粉  150g (过筛)
糯米粉  130g (过筛)
即溶酵母  1/2tsp+1/4tsp
细砂糖  60g

粟米油  15g
班兰汁  200g ~ 班兰叶10-15片加清水200克,用搅拌机搅烂,滤渣取汁

香蕉叶  适量



1. 所有材料混合均匀,搓揉成团。
2. 把面团直接分成每份50克(不需待发),手掌抹上少许油,滚圆。

3. 放在蕉叶上,用手掌心轻压按扁,待发25-30分钟。
4. 发酵好的喜粄,用手指按一按,表面有弹性,就可以开始煮开蒸锅里的水,水滚后放入喜粄,中火蒸12分钟后,马上熄火。(注:不要马上取出锅内的喜粄)
5. 锅盖打开小缝,约5分钟后才打开锅盖取出喜粄。
Pandan Ki Ka Ku
Ingredients : 
150g plain flour, sifted
130g glutinous rice flour, sifted
1/2tsp + 1/4tsp instant yeast
60g castor sugar
15g corn oil
200g pandan water (Blend 10-15pcs of pandan leaves + 200g of water)
Banana leaves (cut into round shapes)
Method :

1. Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl, knead until soft and smooth.
2. Divide dough into small portion (about 50g), grease your hand with some oil,shape into small round ball.
3. Place the dough on the banana leaf and flatten the dough by pressing with your palm. .
4. Rest and proof for 25-30 mins.
5. Steam over hot boiling water for 12 mins,open the steamer lid a bit after 5 mins remove from steamer and serve.
Recipe adapted from Bernice’s Kitchen)