Friday, July 1, 2016

香橙果酱 Orange Jam


材料 :

鲜橙  3个
橙皮屑  3个
细砂糖  120克

做法 :

1. 鲜橙肉以果汁机搅打碎,倒入锅里,搅拌煮至滚。
3. 加入橙皮屑和糖,不停的搅拌至糖溶解,煮至浓稠即可。

Orange Jam

Ingredients :

3 fresh orange
zest from 3 orange
120g castor sugar

Method :

1. Blend all the oranges using a food processor. Pour the orange puree into a potbring it to boil .
3. Add in orange zest and sugar,stir and cook until sugar dissolved and the jam has thickened.