Thursday, June 30, 2016

慢煎糕 Apam Balik(Ban Jian Kuih)



面糊材料 :

面粉  170克
粘米粉  100克
玉米粉  30克
发粉  2茶匙
苏打粉  1/2茶匙
细砂糖  100克
盐  1/2茶匙
鸡蛋  2个
椰浆 / 牛奶 250克 


花生碎,罐装玉米,糖,香蕉 (切片),牛油 


1. 所有粉类过筛,加入所有材料混合均匀。静置30分钟,备用。
2. 烧热平底不粘锅,舀入适量的面糊,洒上少许糖,加盖,小火煎至表面出现小洞洞。
3. 撒上花生碎、玉米酱、香蕉片和少许牛油。
4. 加盖再继续煎至饼皮边缘呈金黄色,对折,表面再刷上一层薄薄的牛油即可。 

Apam BalikBan Jian Kuih 


170g plain flour
100g rice flour
30g corn flour
2tsp baking powder
1/2tsp baking soda
100g castor sugar
1/2tsp salt
2 eggs
250g coconut milk / milk 


grounded peanutcream sweet corn,sugar,banana(sliced),butter 


1. Sieve all flourmix with all batter ingredientsrest for 30 minutes. 
2. Heat up a non-stick pan,pour in enough batter,sprinkle some sugar,cover and cook until the surface appear tiny holes. 
3. Sprinkle ground peanutcreamy sweet cornsliced banana and butter. 
4. Cover and cook until the corner of pancake is golden brown. Fold into half and brush with some butter. Serve hot.