材料 :
高筋面粉 250g
牛奶 150g
盐 1/2茶匙
蜂蜜 10g
玉米油 10g
即溶酵母 3g
做法 :
1. 将所有材料混合,搅拌至光滑,扩展阶段。
2. 将面团滚圆,在表层喷上少许水,进行初步发酵1个小时。
3. 轻压面团排气,滚圆放在撒了高粉的发酵藤蓝里,进行最后发酵至双倍大。
4. 把面团倒扣在烤盘上,用利刀在表层割十字。
5. 在面团表面再喷上少许水,放入预热烤箱,以180度烘烤约25-30分钟。
Country Bread
Ingredients :
250g bread flour
150g milk
250g bread flour
150g milk
1/2tsp salt
10g honey
10g corn oil
3g instant dry yeast
Method :
1. Mix all the ingredient until smooth and elastic dough.
2. Shape the dough into round ball,spray some water on surface,proof the dough for 1 hour.
3. Punch down the dough to expel air,roll the dough into round shape,place it into a proofing basket,final proofing until doubled in size.
4. Gently lift the dough from basket to baking tray,cut '+' sign on the dough.
5. Spray some water on the surface,bake in a preheated oven of 180 degrees C for 25-30 mins.