Thursday, November 19, 2015

芒果吐司 Mango Toast




高筋面粉  300g
芒果泥  150g
鲜奶  50g
酵母  1tsp
细砂糖  40g
盐  3g
牛油  30g 


1. 将全部材料(牛油除外)搅拌成团。
2. 加入牛油,搅拌至光滑有薄膜,进行第一次发酵。
3. 取出分割成2等份,排气,揉圆,松弛10分钟。
4. 擀开,卷起,再次擀开卷起,放入吐司模里做最后發酵大约35-45分钟。
5. 预热烤箱180度,烘烤30分钟或至熟,取出脱模,待完全冷却即可切片。

Mango Toast 


300g high protein flour
150g mango puree
50g fresh milk
1tsp instant yeast
40g caster sugar
3g salt
30g butter 


1. Put all ingredients (except butter) into a mixing bowl and mix well.
2. Add butter,knead until to a smooth pliable dough. Proof the dough until it double in size.
3. Divide the dough into 2 equal portions, and rest for 10mins.
4. Roll out the dough and roll up neatly. Shape dough into a swiss roll shape,place in the loaf tin and final proofing for about 35-45mins.
5. Bake in a preheated oven of 180 degrees C for 30 mins. Remove from oven and unmould,cool it completely on a wire rack before slicing.