Monday, November 30, 2015

椰糖椰丝芒果包 Steamed Mango Buns with Coconut Filling



包粉  250g
芒果泥  60g
即溶酵母  3g
清水  90g
细砂糖  20g
粟米油  10g

1. 将全部材料混合成团。
2. 用搅拌机拌打至光滑面团,让面团松弛5分钟。
3. 把面团排气,分割小面团,每份60g,搓圆。
4. 取一份小面团,杆成圆形,包入馅料,放在蜡纸上。
5. 放入蒸笼里,盖上蒸盖,进行最后发酵15分钟。
6. 面团发酵后,用中大火蒸约15分钟。
7. 熄火后,不要立刻打开锅盖,蒸锅开个小缝,待5分钟后才完全把锅盖打开。 



新鲜椰丝  150g
椰糖  75g (切碎)

清水  75g
班兰叶  数片(打结) 

玉米粉 1tbsp + 清水 2tbsp 


把椰糖加清水煮至溶解, 加班兰叶及椰丝,小火炒干。最后加入芡水炒匀即可。


Steamed Mango Buns with Coconut Filling

Dough ingredients

250g pau flour

60g mango puree
3g instant yeast
90g water
20g caster sugar
10g corn oil 

1. Mix all the ingredients in the mixing bowl and mix well.
2. Knead into a smooth and elastic doughrest for 5mins.
3. Divide dough into 60gm eachshaft a round shape and wrap in filling,  seal up.
4. Place the buns in a steamer and proof for 15mins.
5. Steam on high heat for 15mins. Wait for 5mins then only open the lid and remove from the steamer.

Coconut filling


150g shredded coconut 
75g gula melaka, chopped
75g water
pandan leaves (knotted)

1tbsp cornstarch + 2tbsp water

Method :

Mix gula melaka and water in a potcook until sugar dissolved.  Add pandan leave and shredded coconut stir fry until slightly dry. Lastly, thicken with cornstarch slurry, stir well and set aside.