Monday, February 27, 2017

菜粿 Steamed Vegetable Dumplings


澄粉  100克
木薯粉  100克
盐  1/2小匙
油  1汤匙
沸水  250克-300克
葛  500克(刨丝)
红萝卜  1条(刨丝)
虾米  3大匙 (浸软,剁碎)
香菇  3朵 (浸软,切丝)
蒜茸  1大匙

调味料: 生抽  1大匙,蚝油  1大匙,盐  1茶匙,糖  2茶匙,胡椒粉  1茶匙

1. 烧热油,爆香蒜茸,加入虾米和香菇炒香。
2. 加入红萝卜和沙葛炒至干,加入调味料炒均匀,盛起备用。
3. 先将澄面粉,木薯粉和盐混合,把沸水冲入粉中,快速搅拌成软团。
4. 加入油,揉成光滑面团。 
5. 面团分割成小团,擀成圆薄片,包入馅料。 
6. 将菜粿排放在涂了油的蒸盘上,大火蒸8-10分钟即可。 
7. 取出后,趁热上炸葱油,即可享用。
Steamed Vegetable Dumplings (Chai Kueh)

Ingredients :
100g wheat starch
100g tapioca flour
1/2tsp salt
1tbsp oil
250-300g boiling water

Filling :
500g jicama (shredded)
1 carrot (shredded)
3tbsp dried shrimps (soaked, chopped)
3 mushroom (soaked, shredded)
1tbsp chopped garlic

Seasoning : 1tbsp light soy sauce, 1tbsp oyster sauce, 1tsp salt, 2tsp sugar, 1tsp pepper

Method :

1. Heat up oil, sauté chopped garlic, mushroom and dried shrimps till fragrant.
2. Add in carrot and jicama cook until dry, add in seasoning, mix well. Dish out and set aside to cool.
3. Mix all flour and salt into a mixing bowl. Pour the boiling water into the flour. Stir well with a wooden spoon.
4. Add in oil and knead the dough till smooth.
5. Divide the dough into small portion. Using a rolling pin to flatten out the dough and wrap with fillings.
6.  Arrange dumplings on greased steaming tray, steam over hot boiling water for 8-10 minutes with  high heat. Dish out.
7. Brush the surface with some shallots oil, serve hot.
(Recipe adapted from here)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

樱花牛油曲奇 Sakura Butter Cookies


材料 :
牛油  150克
细砂糖  100克
蛋黄  2个
香草精  1/2茶匙
低筋面粉  280克
奶粉  20克
发粉  1/2茶匙
盐渍樱花  适量 (将盐冲洗掉,浸泡在清水里,沥干备用。)


做法 :
1. 牛油加糖打至变白,加入蛋黄和香草精搅拌均匀。
2. 筛入粉类 拌成团,擀成长方形。
3. 盖上保鲜膜,冷藏至硬(约30分钟)。
4. 取出,用模型印出形状,放上樱花。
5. 放进预热烤箱,170度烤15-20分钟或金黄色即可。
Sakura Butter Cookies
Ingredients : 
150g butter
100g castor sugar
2 egg yolks
1/2tsp vanilla extract
280g plain flour/cake flour
20g milk powder
1/2tsp baking powder
sakura(Rinse off the salt,soak the pickled sakura with clean water,drain and discard the water.)
Method :
1. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
2. Add in egg yolks and vanilla,mix well.
3. Sift in flour and mix well to form a dough,wrap with plastic wrap and keep in the freeze for 30mins.
4. Flatten the dough,cut out using a cookie cutter,place the pickled sakura on it.
5. Bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees C for 15 - 20 minutes until light golden brown.