Thursday, April 18, 2019

吞拿鱼面包 Tuna Buns


材料 :

高筋面粉  300
细砂糖  30
鸡蛋  1
牛奶  150
即溶酵母  5
牛油  30

馅料 : 吞拿鱼 1罐,洋葱

做法 :

1. 所有材料混合(牛油除外),搅拌至光滑状。
2. 加入牛油继续搅拌,搅拌至扩展阶段,进行初步发酵至双倍大。
3. 面团排气后,分割成10份小面团,滚圆,擀平包入馅料。
4. 进行第二次发酵大约45分钟或双倍大。
5. 表层刷上牛奶,撒上白芝麻。
6. 放入预热170°C烤箱烤15-20分钟。
7. 出炉后,放在架子上待凉。 

Tuna Buns

Ingredients :

300g bread flour
30g caster sugar
2g salt
1 egg
150g milk
5g instant yeast 
30g butter

Filling : 1 can tunaonion

Method :

1. Mix all the ingredient (except butter) until smooth dough.
2. Add butter continue to knead until smooth and elastic dough. Proof the dough until it double in size.
3. Press down the dough to release the trapped air. Divide dough into 10 portions.
4. Shape it and wrap with filling, final proofing for about 45 mins.
5. Brush with milk and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
6. Bake in a preheated oven of 170 degrees C for 15-20 mins.
7. Remove from oven and cool it completely on wire rack.