Monday, May 29, 2017

娘惹粽子 Nyonya Rice Dumplings


材料 : 30粒

糯米  1公斤

兰花  30朵(加入热水浸泡出蓝色素)
油  2大匙
盐  1茶匙


馅料 :

五花肉  600克(切丁)

香菇  8朵(泡发,切丁)
冬瓜糖  150克(切丁)
小葱头  160克(剁碎
蒜头  8瓣(剁碎

调味料 :

豆酱  5大匙(切碎)

芫茜粉  3大匙
胡椒粉  1大匙
黑酱油  2茶匙
清水  适量

班兰叶  适量,剪成1寸 

做法 :

1. 干粽叶泡水3-4小时软化 ( 中间换2次水 ),用刷子两面刷洗干净,剪掉叶梗。
2. 糯米洗净,用清水浸泡4小时沥干
3. 糯米沥干水份,加入油和盐,搅拌均匀,待用。
4. 烧热油,爆香葱头碎和蒜蓉加入豆酱炒香。加入香菇和花肉拌炒加入冬瓜糖,炒匀后加入适量的清水,加盖焖煮10分钟。
5. 加入芫茜粉,胡椒粉和黑酱油,炒均匀,试味。盛起,待凉
6. 取1/3的糯米加入兰花液,拌匀。浸泡15分钟,倒掉多余的水份。
7.  粽叶折成斗形,舀入蓝糯米再加入白糯米,舀入一大匙馅料,再盖上白糯米,放上一片班兰叶。盖上粽叶,包成棕形绑上草绳。
8. 煮滚一大锅水,把裹好的粽子下锅,水要盖过粽子,煮3小时,至糯米熟软即可取出,吊起沥干水份。 

Nyonya Rice Dumplings

Ingredients : makes 30 pieces

1 kg glutinous rice

30 buds blue pea flowers(soaked in hot water)
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp salt

bamboo leaves and some hemps

Filling :

600g porkcut into cubes

8 dried mushroomssaok and cubes
150g candied meloncubes
160g shallots,chopped
8 cloves garlic,chopped

Seasoning :

5 tbsp bean paste,chopped

3 tbsp coriander powder
1 tbsp pepper
2 tsp dark soy sauce

some pandan leavescut into 1 inch

Method :

1. Bamboo leavessoaked for 3-4 hourswashed and change water in between for two time. 
2. Wash glutinous rice and add watersoaked for 4 hours.
3. Drain the glutinous riceadd in oil and saltmix well and set aside.
4. Heat up oilsaute shallot and garlic until fragrantadd bean paste and stir-fry. Add in pork and mushroom cubes stir-fry. Add in candied melonstir well. Pour in water and cover with lidsimmered for 10 minutes.
5. Add in coriander powderpepper and dark soy saucestir well and taste. Dish up and leave to cool.
6. Mix blue pea flower water with 1/3 of glutinous rice and let it stand for 15 minutesdiscard the excess water.
7. Take a bamboo leaffold into an inverted coneadd in blue glutinous rice and some white glutinous rice. Add in 1 tbsp fillingtop with white glutinous rice to cover the fillingplace 1 piece of pandan leave and then wrap accordingly. 
8. Using a large potpour in water and bring it to boil. Once water is boiledplace in all the wrap dumplings and let it cook for at least 3 hours. Remove from water and hang it uplet it air dry and cool down.

Friday, May 26, 2017

水果塔 Fruit Tarts



牛油  140
糖粉  60
低筋面粉  300
香草精  1茶匙

塔皮做法 :

1. 将牛油,糖粉及低粉混合均匀。
2. 加入蛋液和香草精,拌匀成团。
3. 盖上保鲜纸,放入冰箱冷藏30分钟。
4. 取适量的面团,压入塔模里,用叉子在底部刺些小洞。
5. 放入预热烤箱,以170度烤约20分钟。

卡士达酱 :

牛奶  50
蛋黄  3
细砂糖  50
玉米粉  20
低筋面粉  20

牛奶  250

奶油  50 

草莓、芒果、奇异果 (切丁)

做法 :

1. 将材料(A)混合,拌均匀。
2. 把材料(B)的牛奶煮热,慢慢加入蛋黄糊搅拌均匀。
3. 小火加热,边搅拌煮至稠糊状,熄火。
4. 加入奶油搅拌均匀,待冷备用。
5. 把卡士达酱挤入已经烘好的塔皮上,摆上水果, 放入冰箱冷藏后即可享用。

Fruit Tarts

To make the tart shell :

140g butter
60g icing sugar
300g all purpose flour
1 egg
1tsp vanilla

Method :

Combine butter, icing sugar and flour, mix well. 
2. Add in egg and vanilla, mix to form a soft dough.
3. Wrap with cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 mins.
4. Press the dough into tart mould, prick the bottom with a fork.
5. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 20 mins.

Custard filling :

50g milk
3 egg yolk
50g caster sugar
20g corn flour
20g all purpose flour

250g milk

50g butter 

Strawberry, Mango, Kiwi, diced

Method :

1. Whisk together ingredients (A) until combined.
2. Cook the milk over low heat until just boil. Slowly pour in the egg yolk mixture.
3. Using a low heat, cook and stir until it thickens.
4. Remove from heat and add in butter, mix well.
5. Fill the cooled tart shells with the custard, top with fruits, chill in the refrigerator before serving.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

果冻粽子 Jelly Dumplings


材料 :

果冻粉  10克
细砂糖  180克 - 200克
清水  950毫升

罗勒籽 (biji selasih)  少许 (浸发)

火龙果奇异果芒果 (切丁)

做法 :

1. 果冻粉和细砂糖混合均匀。
2. 将水倒入锅里,加入做法(1)煮滚
3. 搅拌至果冻粉和糖完全溶解,熄火。
4. 粽叶折成斗形,放入水果舀入果冻水
5. 待凝固后才包成棕形

Jelly Dumplings

Ingredients :

10g jelly powder
180g - 200g caster sugar
950ml water

biji selasih,soak in water

red dragon fruitkiwimango (diced)

Method :

1. Mix jelly powder with caster sugar together.
2. Pour water in a potstir in (1) and bring to a boil.
3. Stir until the mixture has fully dissolved.
4. Bamboo leaf fold into an inverted cone,add in fruits and pour the jelly liquid into bamboo leaf.
5. Let it cooled completely then wrap accordingly. 

Friday, May 19, 2017

烤香茅鸡串 Grilled Lemongrass Chicken Skewers


材料 : 可以做出20串 

鸡肉碎  750克
蒜头  1+1/2 大匙 (切碎)
姜  1大匙 (切碎)
红辣椒  2条
巴西叶  2大匙 (切碎)
香茅  2茶匙 (白色部份, 切碎)
鱼露  1茶匙
酸甘汁  1大匙
盐  适量
鸡蛋  1个
香茅  10枝

抹面(A) :

糖  2
香茅  1茶匙 (切碎)
水  3茶匙
油  3茶匙

做法 :

1. 香茅洗干净后, 用擀面棍把香茅稍微上下杆一下, 以释放香味。 把香茅切半备用。 
2. 鸡肉碎加入 蒜头碎, 姜碎, 辣椒碎,香茅碎,  巴西叶, 酸甘汁, 鱼露, 盐。混合好。
3. 鸡蛋打散后加入。混合。 
4. 手掌放些油, 把肉碎包裹着香茅, 然后放入冰箱30分钟备用。 
5. 预热烤箱180'C. 鸡肉串两面都抹上(A), 烤10分钟, 翻面,再抹上 (A), 继续烤10分钟或至熟。

Grilled Lemongrass Chicken Skewers

Ingredients :

750g chicken mince
1+1/2 tbsp garlic paste
1 tbsp ginger paste
2 red chillies
2 tbsp basil leaves, finely chopped
2 tsp lemongrass stalk, very finely chopped
1 tsp fish sauce, optional
1 tbsp lime juice
1 egg
10 nos lemongrass stalks

For the basting liquid :

2 tsp sugar

1 tsp finely chopped lemongrass stalk
3 tsp water
3 tsp oil

Method :

1. Wash the lemongrass stalks and pat dry. Run a rolling pin along the length of the stalks in order to release the aromatic oils. Cut the stalk into 2 (each piece should be about 5 inches long) and set aside.
2. Into the chicken mince, add the ginger garlic pastes, chopped red chillies, finely chopped basil, lemon juice, salt and fish oil, if using, and mix well.
3. Lightly beat the egg and add it to the chicken mince. Mix well.
4. Dab a little oil over your palms, shape each ball of mince around one end of the lemongrass stalk and place over a baking tray lined with aluminium foil. Cover and chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes or longer.
5. Pre-heat the oven/grill to 180 deg C. Brush the top side of the skewers with the basting liquid and grill for 10 minutes. Turn them over, brush with the basting liquid and grill for a further 10 minutes or until done.

(Recipe adapted from herehere)

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

柠檬天使蛋糕 Lemon Angel Cake



玉米油 40
柠檬汁  40
柠檬屑  1
牛奶  40
低筋面粉 70

蛋白 200
糖粉 70

做法 :

1. 将玉米油、柠檬汁、柠檬屑、牛奶和盐搅拌均匀。
2. 筛入低粉,拌成均匀的柠檬面糊。
3. 蛋白分次加入糖粉,打发至湿性发泡。
4. 将蛋白霜分次加入柠檬面糊里,拌匀。
5. 把面糊倒入烤模里,敲出气泡。
6. 放入预热烤箱,以170度烘烤约40-45分钟。
7. 出炉倒扣,待凉。

Lemon Angel Cake

Ingredients :

40g corn oil
40g lemon juice
1 lemon zest
40g milk
1g salt
70g cake flour

200g egg whites
70g icing sugar

Method :

1. Combine corn oillemon juicelemon zestmilk and salt in a mixing bowl.
2. Sift in cake flourmix wellset aside.
3. Beat egg white and gradually add in the icing sugar. Beating till shiny peaks.
4. Gently fold fold in the beaten egg white into lemon batter until combined.
5. Pour the batter into 6 inches cake pan, tap pan on table a few times to remove air bubble.
6. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 40-45 minutes or until cooked.
7. Remove from oveninvert cake onto table until completely cooled.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

芒果慕斯蛋糕 Mango Mousse Cake

温馨的五月, 预先祝福全天下的妈妈们,母亲节快乐!
Happy Mother's Day!


戚风蛋糕体材料  7寸圆模

材料 :

蛋黄  3个
牛奶  50克
玉米油  25克
低筋面粉  80克

蛋白  3个
细砂糖  50克

做法 : 

1. 蛋黄、牛奶和玉米油,用打蛋器搅拌均匀。
2. 筛入低粉搅拌成均匀的蛋黄糊。
3. 蛋白打起泡状,分次加入细砂糖,打发成尾端挺立的蛋白霜。
4. 将1/3蛋白霜加入蛋黄糊中,用橡皮刮刀拌匀。
5. 然后倒入其余的蛋白霜,混合拌成均匀的面糊。
6. 将面糊倒入蛋糕模,敲出气泡。
7. 放进预热160度的烤箱,烤45分钟至熟。
8. 出炉倒扣,待凉,平均切成4片,备用

芒果慕斯材料 :

吉利丁粉  17克

热水  60克

鲜奶油  350克
芒果泥  300克
芒果块  220克

表层淋酱材料 :

芒果泥  150克
吉利丁粉  1汤匙
热水  4 + 1/2汤匙

做法 :

1. 吉利丁粉加热水搅拌至溶化,加入芒果泥拌匀
2. 加入打发鲜奶油,混合均匀
3. 把一片蛋糕放在慕斯圈里,铺上适量的芒果块,倒入芒果慕斯

5. 放入冰箱冷藏3-4个小时至凝固
6. 脱模在表层淋上芒果酱,摆上装饰即可

Mango Mousse Cake

Chiffon cake ingredients : 7 inch mould

3 egg yolks
50g milk
25g corn oil
80g cake flour

3 egg whites
50g castor sugar 


1. Combine egg yolks,milk and corn oil in a mixing bowl.
2. Sift in cake flour,mix well,set aside.
3. Beat egg white until frothy and add in the sugar in 3 batches. Beating till shiny peaks.
4. Add 1/3 egg white into egg yolk batter and fold well.
5. Pour the batter back to the 2/3 egg white and fold into a smooth batter.
6. Pour the batter into baking pan, tap pan on table a few times to remove air bubble.
7.  Bake in preheated oven at 160C for 45 minutes or until cooked.
8.  Remove from oven,invert cake onto table until completely cooled,cutting into 4 pieces. 

Mango Mousse :

17g gelatine Powder

60g hot water

350g fresh cream (whipped)
300g mango puree
220g cubed mango

Mango puree topping :
150g mango puree 
1 tbsp gelatin

4-1/2 tbsp boiling water


1. In a small bowl, dissolve gelatine powder in hot water. Add in mango puree, mix well.

2. Add the mango mixture to whipped cream. Mix well till incorporated.

3. Use a cake ring, place a layer of cake, add in mango cubes and pour in mango mousse.
4. Lay another cake layer and repeat the same method until finished. Let it set for 3-4 hours in the fridge.

5. Unmold, pour the topping over the top of the cake,and decorate accordingly. 

(Recipe adapted from All That Matters)