Tuesday, December 25, 2018

蓝莓优格蛋糕 Blueberry Yogurt Cake

Merry Christmas 


材料 6寸脱底圆模

蛋黄  3
玉米油  15
优格  40
低筋面粉  50

蛋白  3
细糖  40

新鲜蓝莓  (撒上少许的低粉,备用。)


2. 筛入低粉搅拌成均匀的蛋黄糊。
3. 蛋白打起泡状,分次加入细砂糖,打发成尾端挺立的蛋白霜。
4. 1/3蛋白霜加入蛋黄糊中,用橡皮刮刀拌匀。
6. 加入新鲜蓝莓轻轻拌匀。

Blueberry Yogurt Cake 

Ingredients 6” round pan with removable base

3 egg yolks
15g corn oil
40g yogurt
50g cake flour

3 egg whites
40 castor sugar

fresh blueberries, sprinkle some flour on it


1. Combine egg yolkscorn oil and yogurt in a mixing bowl.
2. Sift in cake flourmix wellset aside.
3. Beat egg white until frothy and add in the sugar in 3 batches. Beating till shiny peaks.
4. Add 1/3 egg white into egg yolk batter and fold well.
5. Pour the batter back to the 2/3 egg white and fold into a smooth batter. 
6. Add in blueberries and mix well.
7. Pour the batter into chiffon mould, tap pan on table a few times to remove air bubble.
8.  Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 30 minutes or until cooked.
9.  Remove from oveninvert cake onto table until completely cooled.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

豆浆黑芝麻汤圆 Black Sesame Tang Yuan with Soya Milk

今天是冬至节祝福大家 :合家团圆,幸福满满


汤圆材料 : 

糯米粉  200克
清水  160克 或 适量


做法 : 

1. 糯米粉慢慢加入清水搓揉成光滑和不粘手面团。
2. 分割成小团,包入黑芝麻馅料。
3. 煮滚一锅热水,放入汤圆煮至浮起,捞起,泡在冷水中。
4. 捞出汤圆与豆浆一起享用。

Black Sesame Tang Yuan with Soya Milk

Glutinous Rice Balls Ingredients  

200g glutinous rice flour
160g water

Black sesame filling recipe here

Method :

1. Put glutinous flour and water in a bowl and knead till a smooth dough.
2. Divide dough into small portions,fill each dough with black sesame paste.
3. Bring a pot of water to boil , add rice balls and cook until they float to the surface,transfer into cold water. 
4. Serve with soy milk.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

客家咸汤圆 Hakka Savoury Tang Yuan



糯米粉  200
清水  160 适量


2. 放入水滚的锅里煮至浮起,捞起放入一个装有冷开水的大碗中以免汤圆粘在一起。



猪肉丝  100
虾米  1大匙 (浸软,沥干)
香菇  3 (浸软,切丝)
高汤 / 清水  800毫升  适量
芹菜  适量
蒜茸  1大匙



1. 烧热油,爆香蒜茸和虾米。加入香菇丝和猪肉丝,炒香。
2. 倒入高汤煮滚,加入调味料。
3. 加入汤圆,煮滚。最后放入芹菜即可。

Glutinous Rice Balls Ingredients  

200g glutinous rice flour
160g water

Method :

1. Put glutinous flour and water in a bowl and knead till a smooth dough. Divide dough into small portions.
2. Bring a pot of water to boil , add rice balls and cook until they float to the surfacetransfer into cold water. 

Hakka Savoury Tang Yuan

Ingredients :

100g pork bellyshredded
1tbsp dried shrimpssoaked and drained
3 chinese mushroomsoaked and shredded
800ml stock / water
some chinese celery
1tbsp chopped garlic

Seasoning : light soy sauceoyster saucesalt

Method :

1. Heat up oil , sauté garlic and dried shrimps till fragrant . Add in pork belly and mushrooms stir-fry till fragrant.
2. Pour in stock and bring to boiladd in seasoning.
3. Add in the cooked tang yuan and bring to a rapid boil. Add in celeryserve hot.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

山药薏仁吐司 Chinese Yam and Job's Tears Toast


材料 : 

高筋面粉  220克

山药薏仁粉  80克
细砂糖  30克
盐  2克
即溶酵母  5克
牛奶  150-180克
鸡蛋  1个
奶油  30克

做法 :

1. 所有材料混合(外),搅拌至光滑状
2. 加入奶油继续搅拌,搅拌至扩展阶段,进行初步发酵1个小时。
3. 面团分割成3等份,滚圆擀开卷起2次。
4. 排入吐司模,进行最后发酵至9分满。 
5. 放入预热烤箱里以180度烘烤35-40分钟。

Chinese Yam and Job's Tears Toast

Ingredients :

220g bread flour

80g Chinese Yam and Job's Tears powder
30g sugar
2g salt
5g instant dry yeast
150-180g milk
1 egg
30g butter

Method :

1. Mix all the ingredient (except butter) until smooth dough.
2. Add butter continue to knead until smooth and elastic dough,proof the dough for 1 hour. 
3. Divide dough into 3 portions,roll out flat and swiss roll tightly,repeat twice.
4. Place into greased loaf pan,allow to proof until dough reaches 90% of height of pan.
5. Bake in preheated oven at 180 C for 35-40 minutes.