Saturday, December 22, 2018

豆浆黑芝麻汤圆 Black Sesame Tang Yuan with Soya Milk

今天是冬至节祝福大家 :合家团圆,幸福满满


汤圆材料 : 

糯米粉  200克
清水  160克 或 适量


做法 : 

1. 糯米粉慢慢加入清水搓揉成光滑和不粘手面团。
2. 分割成小团,包入黑芝麻馅料。
3. 煮滚一锅热水,放入汤圆煮至浮起,捞起,泡在冷水中。
4. 捞出汤圆与豆浆一起享用。

Black Sesame Tang Yuan with Soya Milk

Glutinous Rice Balls Ingredients  

200g glutinous rice flour
160g water

Black sesame filling recipe here

Method :

1. Put glutinous flour and water in a bowl and knead till a smooth dough.
2. Divide dough into small portions,fill each dough with black sesame paste.
3. Bring a pot of water to boil , add rice balls and cook until they float to the surface,transfer into cold water. 
4. Serve with soy milk.