Saturday, December 26, 2015

史多伦圣诞面包 Stollen Bread




高筋面粉  250g 
肉桂粉  1tsp
豆蔻粉  1/2tsp 
兰姆酒  1tbsp
牛奶 / 清水  120g 
细砂糖  30g
即溶酵母  3g
奶油  60g

酒渍果干  150g 



1. 将所有材料(奶油除外)放入盆中,搅拌成团
2. 加入奶油搅拌至面团可以撑出薄膜。
3. 把酒渍干果加入,揉均匀
4. 盖好,基本发酵60分钟或至2倍大。
5. 将面团分成2等份,滚圆松弛15分钟。
6. 分别擀成椭圆形面团再对折,用擀面棍压紧。进行最后发酵2倍大。
7. 预热烤箱170°C,烘烤25至表面呈现金黃色即可。
8. 出炉后,趁热刷

Christmas Stollen 

Ingredients :

250g bread flour
10g milk powder 
1tsp cinnamon powder
1/2tsp nutmeg powder
1tbsp rum
120g milk or water 
30g sugar
1/2tsp salt
3g instant yeast 
60g butter

150g mixed dried fruits 

For decoration : some melted butter and icing sugar 

Method :

Mix all the ingredient (except butter) until smooth dough.
2. Add butter continue to knead until smooth and elastic dough.
3. Knead in the mixed dried fruits.
4. Cover with cling wrap and leave in a warm place to rise for 60mins or until doubled in size.
5. Divide dough into 2 portions, then allow to rest for another 15mins.
6. Flatten the dough into oval shape and dip in the middle. Shape into a stollen shape. Let it proof for 60mins until doubled in size.
7. Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for 25 minutes, or until golden brown.
8. Remove from oven,brush with melted butter and leave to cool on wire rack. Dust with some icing sugar.

This post is linked at Cook and Celebrate: Christmas 2015  

hosted by Yen from GoodyFoodies, Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe 

and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.

Friday, December 25, 2015

圣诞树桐蛋糕 Christmas Log Cake

 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


材料: 27cmX23cm
奶油  30g (隔水溶化)
低筋面粉  40g
奶  40g
蛋黄  3个 
全蛋  1个

蛋白  3个
細砂糖  35g

植物性鲜奶油  100g + Nutella 酱  1tbsp 一起打发。


1. 将溶化奶油加入过筛后的低粉拌匀。
2. 蛋黄+全蛋+牛奶拌匀,加入奶油面糊混合均匀。
3. 将蛋白打发至呈粗泡沫状,分次加入细砂糖,打发至干性发泡。
4. 把蛋白霜分次加入蛋黄面糊里,搅拌均匀。
5. 将蛋糕糊倒入铺了纸的烤盘里,轻敲出大气泡。
6. 放入预热160度烤箱里,烘烤20分钟即可。
7. 取出, 将四边的烤纸撕开,放在铁架上冷却。
8. 抹上内馅,把蛋糕轻轻卷起,放入冰箱冷藏,待定型后便可在蛋糕的表面抹上奶油装饰。

Christmas Log Cake

30g melted butter
cake flour (sifted)
40g fresh milk
3 egg yolks
1 whole egg

3 egg whites
35g castor sugar 

For decor : 100g fresh cream + 1tbsp Nutella (whipped)

1. Add 
the sifted flour in to melted butter and mix well. 

2. In a bowl mix together egg,egg yolks and fresh milk. Gradually add in butter mixture and use a spatula mix well until incorporated.
Beat egg white and sugar until soft peak form.

4. Take 1/3 of egg white mix into egg yolk batter. Fold in the balance egg white with a spatula till well combine. 
5. Pour the batter into lined baking pan and lightly tap the pan to remove big bubbles.
6. Bake in preheated oven at 160C for 20mins or until cooked.
7. Remove pan from oven
and gently remove the baking paper,leave to cool completely .
8. Spread evenly a layer of filling,
roll it up gently and tightly,wrap and chill
in fridge until set.

This post is linked at Cook and Celebrate: Christmas 2015  
hosted by Yen from GoodyFoodies, Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe 
and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.


Thursday, December 24, 2015

霹雳怡保清心嶺休闲文化村 Qing Xin Ling Leisure & Cultural Village

善学院 (孔子庙)后,再往下一站, 
清心嶺休闲文化村 Qing Xin Ling Leisure & Cultural Village 
No. 22A, Persiaran Pinggir Rapat 5A, Taman Saikat, 31350, 
Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia