Sunday, December 20, 2015

圣诞老人立体造型面包 Santa Claus Bread

Ho.. Ho.. Ho...
Merry Christmas!




材料 :

高筋面粉  150g  
即溶酵母  2g
细砂糖  15g  
牛奶+  80g+25g
无盐奶油  10g
装饰 : 

可可粉  1tsp
红麴粉  1tsp

做法 :

1. 将全部材料(奶油除外)搅拌成团。
3. 取出面团,分成大面团(180g)及小面团(100g)
4. 将小面团分成50g()30g()20g(), 红色和褐色面团分别加入可可粉和红麴粉。
5. 把所有面团平均分6份。 
6. 整形成6个圣诞老人造型。 
7. 排放入涂了油的模具里,进行发酵至2倍大。
8. 放入预热160°C的烤箱, 15-20分钟。

Santa Claus Bread

Ingredients :

150g high protein flour / bread flour 
2g instant yeast 
15g sugar 
3g salt
80g+25g milk+water
10g unsalted butter
Decor : 

1tsp cocoa powder
1tsp red yeast powder

Method :

1. Mix all the ingredient (except butter) until smooth dough.
2. Add butter continue to knead until smooth and elastic dough.
3. Divide dough into 2 portions, big(180g) and small (100g).
4. The small dough (100g) divide into 50g(white), 30g(red), 20g(brown).
5. All dough divide into 6 equal portions.
6. Shaped the dough into santa claus shape and arrange them on greased baking pan.
7. Proof till the dough in double size.
8. Bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for 15-20minutes.

This post is linked at Cook and Celebrate: Christmas 2015  

hosted by Yen from GoodyFoodies, Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe 

and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.


Linking this post to  Bake Along # 89 - Christmas Yeasted Bread