Friday, September 9, 2016

蓝花莲蓉燕菜月饼 Blue Pea with Lotus Paste Jelly Mooncake


南瓜蛋黄燕菜材料 :

南瓜泥  150克
细砂糖  30克
盐  1/8茶匙

燕菜粉  1茶匙
清水  300克

做法 : 将所有材料倒入锅里,搅拌煮至滚,熄火。倒入蛋黄模型里,冷藏至凝固。 

燕菜粉  1茶匙
细砂糖  30克
清水  150克

淡奶  40克
纯莲蓉  70克 

做法 : 将所有材料(莲蓉除外)放入锅里以小火煮至滚,加入纯莲蓉拌均,熄火倒入模里,中间放入1粒燕菜蛋黄,待凉,冷藏至凝固,取出待用。

蓝花汁  200克 (大约30朵蓝花)
清水  400克
牛奶  150克
细糖  40克
燕菜粉  1汤匙
即溶啫喱粉  1/2汤匙
做法 : 将所有材料放入锅里搅匀,煮滚后转小火续煮数分钟。倒入少许皮料燕菜在月饼模里,待稍凝固放入馅料,再倒入皮料燕菜填满模,待凉冷藏至凝固
Blue Pea with Lotus Paste Jelly Mooncake
Pumpkin jelly egg yolk ingredients :

150g mashed pumpkin

30g castor sugar
1/8tsp salt
1tsp agar-agar powder
300g water

Method : Mix all ingredients into a pot and bring to boil. Pour the mixture into jelly egg yolk mould. Chill in the refrigerator till solidified completely.

Filling ingredients: 
1tsp agar-agar powder
30g castor sugar
150g water

40g evaporated milk
70g lotus paste 

Method : Mix all ingredients(except lotus paste)in a pot and bring to boil,mix in lotus paste,
turn off flame and pour in small bowl,put the jelly egg yolk into it,chill in refrigerator till solidified completely. Remove from bowl. Set aside.

Blue pea skin ingredients:
200g blue pea flower juice (from about 30 buds)
400g water
150g milk
40g castor sugar
1tbsp agar-agar powder
1/2tbsp jelly powder
Method : Boil all ingredients,lower flame and cook for few minutes. Pour a bit jelly into mooncake mould,wait till a bit solidified then put in the filling,pour the jelly mixture into the mould until full. Chill in the fridge before serving.